Whether a customer seeks to buy a new, secondhand or antique item our aim is to engage the purchaser as closely as possible with any purchase. The request might be in the formation of a collection or additions to one that already exists. If a new item is commissioned, any design will be made by the most skilled hands, using the best quality materials.
Recently moved from Hatton Garden, Richard Parsons Jewellery and Silver has supplied some of the finest objects to our clients, both in the UK and overseas. We specialise in early antique silver but also contemporary work by the most notable craftsmen and women. Please feel free to browse this site and explore the possibilities on offer.
The creation of a bespoke item is usually commenced by a series of sketches. The smallest detail can be considered before work starts and it gives the opportunity for the customer to be involved in the design process. If it is a piece of fine gem set jewellery, the precious stones are traditionally set up in a wax display; a silver commission can be accompanied by a model.
Our aim is to solve problems and careful consideration is always given to initial research, size, quality of material and price.
Richard Parsons has worked for many years as a retail goldsmith and offers his practical knowledge, for a bespoke design service, to a wider market.
For twenty years he was a partner of Tessiers Ltd, the famous London Bond Street jewellers, before establishing a consultancy business in all aspects of the jeweller and silversmith's art.
Richard Parsons Jeweller & Silversmith,
Tel & Fax: +44 (0)1923 285 189, Mobile: +44 (0)7767 888011, Email: enquiries@richardparsons.com